Intervention Due To Tearing

Heathy eye function needs a normal tear production and a properly functioning tear drainage system. Lacrimal system problems usually cause two types of complaints: if the amount of tear on the eye surface is little, or its quality is poor, it causes dry eyes, whereas if it is too much, it causes problems related to excessive tearing.

The Most Frequent Interventions 

• Balloon dilatation
• Overinjecting and probing the lacrimal duct
• Surgical interventions
• Opening the lacrimal punctum
• Canalicular reconstruction
• Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)

Dry Eyes

Dry eyes due to reduced tear production and dry eyes due to enhanced evaporation are the two forms of an insufficient amount of tear. In the first case hypofunction of the lacrimal glands producing the wet phase, whereas in the second case hypofunction of the Meibomian glands producing the oily phase can be observed, however, tear production is influenced by several other internal and external factors.

Treatment Of Dry Eyes

• Regular use of the different types of artificial tears.
• Plugs to close lacrimal punctum.

Excessive Tearing

It usually occurs due to the stenosis or blockage of the tear drainage system (lacrimal punctum, lacrimal tubes, lacrimal ducts). In the case of tearing due to the partial stenosis or complete blockage of the lacrimal duct, the aim is to provide free permeability of the tear drainage system again.

Stenosis or blockage may form along the whole section, anywhere between the lacrimal punctum and the point where drying in the nose happens. Tearing is the basic symptom, however, it may involve a smaller or greater amount of discharge or a dangerous inflammation affecting half of the face. The required intervention is selected by considering the section and extension of the blockage.

Several types of intervention may be considered from a simple overinjection to a surgery carried out in anaesthesia, involving bone drilling, to provide the connection between the lacrimal sac and the nasal cavity. Various silicone plugs, tubes or bands are used on a regular basis to provide the durability of the intervention.

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