FUE Hair Transplantation

FUE i.e. Follicular Unit Extraction has been the greatest breakthrough in the history of hair transplantation / implantation.

Owing to recent developments in microsurgery, FUE has now been followed by SafeSystem–FUE, a technique used by the best specialists. At our clinic, we offer you state-of-the-art service, including the most recent techniques.

The FUE Technique

The FUE technique involves transplanting hairs in naturally occurring 2-5 hair follicular units from the region of the nape resistant to hormonal effect, i.e. remaining intact. Removed grafts, i.e. small islands containing naturally growing hairs, are implanted into the thinning area. These grafts will then adhere and grow as they did in their original location.

How Does It Work In Practice?

• First, individual follicular units are removed from the donor region using a special FUE needle approximately 1mm in diameter.
• The follicular units are temporarely stored in saline at 4-5 °C.
• Then the recipient area is prepared and the follicular units are inserted with a device called implanter.

Hair transplantation performed with this technique produces permanent result and natural appearance. After a successful procedure, you will not be able to recognise transplanted hair, even from a very short distance. By using precision devices, damage to the donor area is minimised and the follicular units are well protected.

Since transplanted hairs are genetically resistant to testosterone responsible for balding, they never go thin or fall out. As the direction, depth and angle of transplanted hairs correspond to the original status, we can achieve a natural look, in every respect identical with the original.

As the procedure affects the epidermis and the dermis, the two upper layers of the skin, the intervention is similar to tattooing, requiring only mild local anaesthesia. The groups of hairs – follicular units – are reinserted using a special device developed for this very purpose. Owing to the sophistication of the procedure, no scars remain either on the donor or the recipient areas.

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