What to Expect Before and After Vaginoplasty

Before Vaginoplasty

Before deciding to undergo vaginoplasty surgery, you need first to make sure that you solely decide to do it all by yourself. You also need to understand the risks and effects of the surgery to you. You should weigh the pros and cons first before giving the doctor a consent to perform the surgery.

Before the surgery took place, it is important for you to undergo a consultation to make sure you are in good condition. Doctors may advise you to stop smoking or alcoholic beverages two weeks prior the surgery.

The doctor may require you to stop taking medicated drugs especially those that contains Aspirin. He can provide you a list of medicated products and other supplements and vitamins.

The doctor will also ensure that you are not pregnant during the surgery or you have no plans to have children. This is restricted because childbirth will be more painful and will give a negative impact to the vaginoplasty surgery. It may cause complications and the effects to vagina will truly be difficult and risky.

Makes sure that you yourself made the decision and not just because you are encouraged by your partner. You may feel conscious if he gives comments to your vaginal appearance or if he is not satisfied with your sex life, but remember that this procedure will have personal effects in you.

After Vaginoplasty

After the surgery, the patient needs to stay in the recovery for hours for further observation and she can be discharged at that same day as long as there are no complications.

Vaginal Discomfort

The pain may cause discomfort, however, it can be simply treated with medication for pain or pain reliever until it subsides for a few days. Swelling and bruising of the incision are normal and that will only last for a maximum of two weeks.

Recovery period

During the recovery period, the patient is not yet allowed to have a sexual intercourse for six weeks. She is not also allowed to perform strenuous activities during that period. The full recovery may take about three months.

If the procedure works, the vagina and its muscles will be tighter. However, there are cases where patients may face the risks of infection, scarring, pain during sexual intercourse, loss of pleasure or sensation, and an inability to control the leakage of urine.

Scarring is just a minor result because it will fade over longer shorter time.

Surprised Boyfriend

After the procedure of the surgery, you can expect during your sexual intercourse an increased pleasure and your orgasmic intensity and frequency is more improved. Many women who had undergone vaginoplasty claimed it has been effective for them especially when it comes to their sex lives.

Therefore, vaginal health care is still important to avoid such risks and the negative effect of the surgery. Before the decision arises, make sure that you already communicated this sensitive procedure with your partner.

Respect with one another is still important and not just boosting your sexual pleasures. This will make your relationship healthier and active.

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